Wetest’s cloud testing

What is Tencent WeTest: WeTest Tencent Quality Open Platform is a one-stop quality cloud testing platform launched by Tencent. It mainly provides all-around services such as cloud real machine, compatibility test, client performance, stress test master, security test, APM monitoring, Penguin wind news, iOS pre-examination, etc. The excellent cloud testing schemes and tools that have accumulated Tencent games for more than ten years and have been tempered by thousands of games help improve the user’s R&D efficiency and product quality. Cloud real machine WeTest has placed thousands of mainstream models in the market on the cloud, and you can select the desired model for remote debugging just by opening the webpage. Easily upload the APK you want to test, click the screen with the mouse, or scan the code to control it through the local mobile phone and perform various extremely fast and smooth operations. Compatibility cloud testing Any product will have certain compatibility issues at different times. As a mobile developers, we continue to bear the pressure of device compatibility issues. Brands, resolutions, and operating systems are emerging one after another, and there are more and more models, which is a headache for developers. WeTest selects top models based on Tencent’s big data, strictly follows Tencent’s quality standards, quickly discovers compatibility issues between games and applications in different periods, and obtains test reports quickly. There is also a Tencent expert cloud testing team to guide the whole process, dig out problems in depth, and complete customized service client performance. Client performance cloud testing can help mobile game teams discover mobile game performance problems, and it is also a tool used by Tencent games. Problems such as stuttering, heating, and flashbacks often plague developers, and ensuring the game performance experience of a large number of low-end and mid-end mobile phone users is the top priority. The client performance test passed the four categories of “game resource optimization, rendering layer optimization, code layer optimization, and strategy optimization”. Stress Test Master Stress Test Master is an easy-to-use cloud-automated performance cloud testing tool. It is the only cloud tool in the industry that supports game protocols. It can complete use case configuration in one minute, easily launch a 100,000-level stress force, predict the server’s carrying capacity, and respond to high pressure in a timely manner. concurrency. Security cloud testing mobile games occupy half of the game market, and the cheating team has also heard the news. Problems such as acceleration, invincibility, full-screen attack, and stealing items have seriously affected the balance of the mobile game and the player experience, resulting in the loss of players and the loss of word-of-mouth for the mobile game.

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